Delivering Conference Services – Providing Professional Growth – Building Community

2015 Keynote Presenter Announced

The Keynote speaker for the 2015 Access Services Conference will be Peter Bromberg. Peter Bromberg is the Associate Director of Public Services for Salt Lake County Library Services. An experienced speaker, trainer, and facilitator, he has been working in libraries for nearly 25 years  and has worn many hats including those of reference, teen, legal, environmental, and consortial librarian.

Peter was dubbed “The Transformer” by Library Journal in their 2008 Mover/Shaker issue for his work as a coach and mentor, and his role in building a number of high impact collaborative statewide programs including a regional eAudiobook consortium,   statewide “Train-the-Trainer” and “Super Library Supervisor” programs, and QandANJ, the nation’s first 24/7 Virtual Reference service.

He has been involved with many leadership initiatives on state and national levels, including Chairing and co-facilitating ALA’s Emerging Leaders program, and co-designing and delivering an intensive experiential leadership institute for the Oklahoma Library Association structured around the principles of emotional intelligence.

As a coach, Peter is fascinated by what motivates human behavior and enjoys helping people make more strategic, effective, enriching choices.  By his own description, he is just a simple librarian trying to make it in this crazy world.

More information on Peter can be found at: 

He is also available on twitter@pbromberg

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