Delivering Conference Services – Providing Professional Growth – Building Community

Call for Panelists: AI in Access Services

Access Services in Libraries, Inc. is organizing a special topic panel discussion on the topic of “AI in Access Services” and we are accepting proposals to be a panelist.

Our aim is to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of access services work and its potential impact on libraries. We are particularly interested in individuals who are using AI in their work in access services. We are looking for a wide range of experiences with AI and invite individuals with both positive and negative experiences using artificially intelligent tools. 

The panel will be held at the 2023 Access Services Conference on November 16 at 3:15PM. The format will include brief introductions of panelists, followed by a moderated discussion, and finally, a Q&A session with the audience.

If you are available and interested in participating as a panelist, please submit a short (3 sentence max) abstract on how you are using AI or how you see AI impacting your work and the work of Access Services. We are open to any suggestions or topics you feel should be addressed during the discussion.

Please submit your completed form: by September 1, 2023.  We appreciate your interest in being part of our panel discussion and will review proposals carefully. Selected panelists will be contacted via email with further details.

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