Presenter Information


Time: Each session is scheduled for 45 minutes, including Q&A. We highly recommend allowing at least 10 minutes for questions. There are 15-20 minutes between sessions so you will have at least 15 minutes for set up.  Please be sure that your session will fit into the allotted 45 minutes. We will begin and end on time.

 Moderation: Sessions will be moderated by at least 2 people. They will help manage the time. Since we will be on a very tight schedule, and in order to allow the next presenters enough time to set up, please be aware that the moderator will stop your presentation at the end of the session time, even if you have not finished. No one wants that to happen but running over will take away setup and other time from those who follow. Moderators will also be available to help with setup, pass out handouts, and to get technical assistance if needed. They will introduce themselves to you during setup. They will also give any final instructions or information to you if necessary.
 Rooms: Each presentation room is set up with a desktop and podium as well as microphones. There is also Internet access in all rooms but be sure to load your presentation on a flash drive in case there are access problems. We will not have printing stations for the conference and cannot guarantee availability at the conference site so you should bring copies if you have handouts for your session.  You may bring a Laptop but Apple dongles will not be present in rooms.
 Conference Proceedings: Presentations will be live-streamed and recorded.  Your presentation and any associated files will be saved to a flash drive so that it can be uploaded to the website after the conference. Moderators will make sure this is done during setup.  Archived presentations are usually available in January of the following year.  Presenters retain rights to their presentations.  Access Services in Libraries, Incorporated retains the rights to the recordings of the live streams and will make them available for a limited time. 

Contact Karen Glover – [email protected], or Stella Richardson – [email protected], if you have questions or concerns.

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