On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the Access Services Conference 2024, Unlocking the 21st Century Library. The 2024 conference will be held in the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta, GA November 20-21.
The Access Services Conference is an opportunity for individuals working in all areas of Access Services in libraries to gather information and communicate with other professionals about Circulation, Reserves, Interlibrary Loan, Student Worker Management, Security, Stacks Maintenance, and other topics of interest.
We invite program and lightning talk proposals until 5pm, May 10, 2024. Accepted programs should fit within a 45 minute segment including time for questions. Lightning talks should fit within a 10 minute segment including time for questions. Proposals might focus on any of the following areas:
Presenters receive up to 2 discounted registrations. Lightning talk presenters will receive 1 discounted registration.
Session and lightning talk proposals will be reviewed by the program committee and those presenters who are selected will be notified. Please remove all identifying information before submitting your proposal so the reviewers can perform blind reviews.
Please direct any questions to Mary Poland : [email protected]
Vendors or organizations interested in sponsoring the Access Services Conference please contact Krista Higham: [email protected]
Special Topic Panel Discussion on current Student Assistant trends and management.
This year we will have a moderated discussion that will cover a variety of topics such as student hiring and retention, training, salaries, and responsibilities. This is a call for interested panelists. 4-5 panelists will be selected. Please submit a short abstract that describes your experience with student assistant management and interesting and unique ways you have approached the topics listed above. You may still submit a proposal for a full presentation on student assistants and it will not have an impact on selection for the panel. This part of the program is not blind reviewed and is completely separate from the general program selection. The panelists will be selected by the Steering Committee.
To submit a proposal for a full session, lightning session, or special topic panel, you will need to create an account in our new abstract management system. Please contact [email protected] if you experience any issues setting up an account.
Below is a general guide to using the new Abstract Management Tool: