We’ve extended the deadline to submit your nominations for the Distinguished Achievement in Access Services Award and the Support Staff Travel Grant. Nomination are now due September 2, 2022. Submission information and criteria can be found here: Distinguished Achievement in Access Services Award Support Staff Travel Grant Let’s celebrate our […]
Greetings friends, We hope you are having an amazing summer and are starting to make your travel plans for the fall. Put the Access Services Conference on your list for this year. The 2022 Conference will be November 15-17 and held at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, GA. It […]
On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the Access Services Conference 2022, Unlocking the 21st Century Library. This year’s event will be held at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, GA from November 15-17, 2022. The Access Services Conference is an opportunity […]
We are looking for volunteers to work on the following committees: Program Planning Committee (6-10 members) The Program Planning Committee is responsible for reviewing proposals and making recommendations to the Organizing Committee; facilitating sessions during the conference including assisting presenters with setup; and assisting volunteers during conference as needed Networking […]
All registered attendees should have received an email with the Virtual Conference login information. Please check your spam/junk folders if you did not receive it. If you are part of a group registration, please check with your primary registrant from your institution for the login information.
We are excited to announce the Keynote Speaker for the 2021 Conference will be Curtis Kendrick. Curtis Kendrick is dean of libraries at Binghamton University (SUNY) where he manages the activities, services, collections and budget of the $14 million operation. As a founding board member of the SUNY Libraries Consortium, […]